
September 2024 • Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

CSWE and P4P Commit to Addressing Accessibility in Social Work Education

"CSWE remains committed to collaborating with the P4P movement regarding ways to reduce the cost of social work education, including paid internship opportunities."

CSWE and P4P recognize the value of practicum education in the preparation of social work professionals and appreciate students’ and programs’ dedication to generating resources and funding to support the practicum experience. We continue to encourage practicum sites and universities to provide funding to social work students for their internships. For more information on the various ways that social work students have contributed to this effort, please click this link to find out more about Payment for Placements (P4P).”

Read the full statement....

May 2023 • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

Unpaid Internships And The Need For Federal Action

”...unpaid internships are problematic for many reasons. Using an equity lens, NACE’s position statement on unpaid internships is a call to policymakers to address the inherent inequities unpaid internships cause and to work to ensure all internships are paid.”

We advocate for legislation to eliminate unpaid internships and provide support for employers in converting unpaid internships to paid internships.”

”Strengthening the availability of funding and protections for internships assures greater participant diversity, access, and opportunity, enhancing the overall quality and productivity of the workforce. The economy and all its vital stakeholders will significantly benefit.”

Read the full statement....

October 2023 • National Association of Social Workers – Georgia Chapter

”NASW-GA believes it is wrong to ask that undergraduate and graduate students cover the costs associated with social work field placements such as background checks, drug screens, field-related travel, uniforms, and the Tevara platform.”

”Paid field work will make social work eduction more inclusive and accessible by reducing barriers to obtaining a degree in social work.”

”NASW-Georgia commits to staying connected to your group, sharing your mission with our collaborative partners, school social work leaders, faculty, and students, and using our media networks and other advocacy methods to ensure students participating in internships receive adequate recognition and compensation for their fieldwork.”

Read the full letter....

June 2022 • National Association of Social Workers – Texas Chapter

”FED-UP's mission is to 'End the unjust pay-to-work-for-free practice of staffing field internships... and to alleviate the material, psychosocial, and professional consequences of this institutionalized labor exploitation, including living wage stipends, field tuition elimination, transportation, and better communication' is an issue that needs to be addressed at the university, state and national level.”

“Our association stands by you in this fight for equity and justice.”

”NASW-Texas commits to supporting FED-UP and their advocacy efforts, as well as a broad campaign to ensure students in school work programs participating in internships are fairly compensated for their work.”

Read the full letter.....