P4P Advocacy Alliance
As a coalition of non-student professionals, the Payment for Placements (P4P) Advocacy Alliance supports current social work students who lead the efforts to be paid for their degree-required internships.
The P4P movement is student-led but achieving the mission of increased access to paid internships requires advocacy and action from many stakeholders including non-students. P4P supporters and Alliance members may be alums, social work or allied practitioners, nonprofit or government employees, practicum administrators or supervisors, researchers, educators, policy workers, or private individuals.
For those who have experienced the barriers created by degree-required unpaid internships, consider joining the P4P Advocacy Alliance as a member. Alliance members attend meetings where ways in which advocates are working towards paid internship opportunities across the US and beyond are discussed. Alliance meetings allow for networking and a sharing of your efforts and actions at the local, state and national levels. To participate in Alliance meetings, complete the Social Workers 4 Paid Internships Survey.
Many MSW and BSW students come to their degree programs with a wealth of professional knowledge or are working while completing their degree, the Alliance encourages direct connection to student leaders. Please consider joining or starting a P4P chapter!
A Panel Discussion on Advocacy for Paid Social Work Internships
In support of the 2025 Payment for Placements National Week of Action, the Advocacy Alliance is hosting a panel discussion about how anyone can be an advocate for paid social work internships.
Creating Change: Working Towards Ending Unpaid Internships
Wednesday, March 5, from 7 PM-8:30 PM Eastern Time
This panel features experts in research, advocacy, and practicum administration. The conversation will explore the widespread impact of unpaid internships, the urgent need for systemic change, and ways that everyone can make it easier for social work student interns to get paid.
Social Workers 4
Paid Internships Survey
Complete the Social Workers 4 Paid Internships Survey to share a bit about yourself and your thoughts about the topic of unpaid internships.
To receive forthcoming email invitations to P4P Advocacy Alliance meetings, select that you'd like to be messaged about Payment for Placements organizing.