Social Work Graduate School Updates Requirements

The Fordham Ram • By Julianna Morales • September 18, 2024

"Throughout the spring 2024 semester, a group of master’s students in the social work program petitioned the Fordham Graduate School of Social Service (GSS) to reduce the required field practicum hours.

Previously, Fordham University required social work students to complete 950 hours before graduation, despite the national requirement set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) being 900 hours. The students spoke to their professors and deans to ask that the Fordham requirement be reduced to the national requirement.

Due to the nature of the change, Fordham had to submit a request to the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) Office of Professions to change their curriculum. The request was submitted at the end of May. Fordham received word of its approval at the beginning of August.”

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