P4P Organizers Interviewed on Perri Peltz Show
SiriusXM • By Perri Peltz Show • February 2024
Alex Armanino: “We really are an invisible workforce and what we're doing is actually sustaining the public service sector and the nonprofit industrial complex. The structure of unpaid work, which is, at a minimum, two days a week for MSW students, it is harmful to students. We become burnt out before we even enter the profession.”
Perri Peltz: “I'm actually shocked. You're talking about servicing organizations that have money to pay. Pilar, what do you want the add to that?”
Pilar O. Bonilla: “So, they don't always have money to pay.“
Perri Peltz: “Far enough.”
Pilar O. Bonilla: “Right. But the there's a lot of harm being caused because there are organizations that rely on just interns to keep it going and running.”