P4P Organizers Interviewed on Perri Peltz Show

SiriusXM • By Perri Peltz Show • February 2024

Alex Armanino: “We really are an invisible workforce and what we're doing is actually sustaining the public service sector and the nonprofit industrial complex. The structure of unpaid work, which is, at a minimum, two days a week for MSW students, it is harmful to students. We become burnt out before we even enter the profession.”

Perri Peltz: “I'm actually shocked. You're talking about servicing organizations that have money to pay. Pilar, what do you want the add to that?”

Pilar O. Bonilla: “So, they don't always have money to pay.“

Perri Peltz: “Far enough.”

Pilar O. Bonilla: “Right. But the there's a lot of harm being caused because there are organizations that rely on just interns to keep it going and running.”



Social Work Students Walkout for Internship Compensation as Part of National Movement


Payment for Placements (P4P): An Interview with L Tantay (they/them), P4P UMich Chapter